Rosacea - A Presidential Problem

finca skin organics blog rosacea presidential problem

President elect Donald Trump has always got a hard time from the media about his hair and face..  And anyone who suffers from rosacea knows that an already embarrassing condition, can be made worse by feeling that everyone is noticing your red face.

Ex president Bill Clinton also has a rosacea problem. During lockdown he gave an interview from his home, on RTE – the Irish state TV station. It was obvious that no one had got him TV ready ie. done his makeup.

His face was so particularly broken out with pustules and his nose was so red and swollen, that I took a photo of him, but I have since lost it in my phone records – so Im sorry that i havent got it to share with you..

But it struck me that not only do these two men have the same problem, but that they may also have different types of the same problem.

''Clinton is an easier fix. He is type 2 rosacea…He has all the classic signs of it….At times he has the rosacea redness with some pustules and he also has a particularly swollen nose.

Looking at photos from when he was younger, you can see that his nose was a dominant feature of his face, but it has definitely got more swollen over the years.

Our Calming Serum 2 would help him. It has been subject of a trial by Harley Street Dermatologists, in which 93% said their skin had improved noticeably. 


to buy click on the link below to bring you to our Calming Serum 2 serum product page

Trump – in my opinion – and remember I'm not a doctor just a fellow sufferer - has mainly type 1 rosacea. However, he may have type 2 on his chin and around the centre of his face.. You can also sometimes see in photographs where the pores on his chin are quite open which is a sign of excess oil, which can indicate type 2 in a rosacea sufferer. 

Look at Donald Trump recently pictured with out makeup. 

I believe the photograph was taken while he was playing golf. His skin looks quite fair.

If I were to recommend some of our products, it would be the calming serum 1 and balm for most of his face to strengthen the skin barrier, with calming serum 2 on the centre areas..


to buy click on the link below to bring you to our Calming Serum 1 product page

Here he is when he was a bit younger with his wife Melania.

You can see the flush on his otherwise fair skin. And there's also a shine to his skin indicating some excess oil. If you've read some of my other blogs you will know that demodex mites love excess oil and excess mites can lead to rosacea type 2.

So he is a bit of a mix...generally type 1 with his fair skin and type 2 in areas like his chin, central forehead and the tops of his cheeks.. You can also see a few pustules in those same areas, in the photograph taken on the golf course.

More recently he does seem to have sorted out that unappealing orange makeup. It was definitely not a good look for him…Whatever he is using now, whether it’s a tinted sunscreen or light makeup, it is more natural looking, and is much better for someone like him who is such a public figure. 

Love from Ireland  (and in particular,  to all our American customers and readers)


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